Fira saves financial analysts' time by searching, analysing, and citing thousands of UK company filings.
Accelerate your research with instant, accurate and source-linked insights instead of spendings hours on digging through filings.
Fira uses AI specialized in finance to analyze thousands of integrated UK company filings. It gives you exact data and numbers you can trust, with direct links to source documents, delivering higher accuracy than ChatGPT.
Analyse financial breakdowns
Perform general research
Extract financial metrics
Ask a question about reports
Benchmark company KPIs
From quick data extraction to deep research, Fira helps you analyse companies faster and more accurately.
Analyse financials of the largest UK companies over the past 5 years.
Every number comes with a citation to specific line in the original document for complete transparency.
Easily extract financial metrics into an Excel table with a few clicks.
Fira calculates financial metrics it can't find, providing transparency in formula and variables used.
Join financial analysts who use Fira to do more research in less time.
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